速報APP / 遊戲 / Pong Fader

Pong Fader





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:13 rue Thésée 91330 Yerres

Pong Fader (圖1)-速報App


隨著Pong Fader可以單獨使用或與在同一設備上兩個玩家玩!

如果你有一個Android Wear設備,你可以用手錶來控制智能手機槳或直接在可穿戴玩。

Possible controller:

Pong Fader (圖2)-速報App

• Your device screen

• Your device accelerometer

• Android Wear (watch accelerometer: orientation)

• Mixfader: The first Mixfader game!

Pong Fader (圖3)-速報App

Settings available:

• Pick the game color and sound

• Change the ball speed and artificial intelligence

• Modify your starting lives

Pong Fader (圖4)-速報App

No Ads!

How to play with an Android wear on your device?

• Connect your watch to your device (phone or tablet)

• Launch the app on your watch

Pong Fader (圖5)-速報App

• Select your watch model on the launcher page on your device

• Move your wrist to control the paddle

How to play with a Mixfader?

• Start you Mixfader. The LED should blink

Pong Fader (圖6)-速報App

• Touch the Bluetooth icon on the app

• Select your Mixfader name on the launcher page on your device

• Move the crossfader to control the paddle

Pong Fader (圖7)-速報App